Drip Irrigation in Walnut

Drip Irrigation in Walnut

Research on walnuts shows that irrigation is one of the most important factors affecting productivity. In particular, the installation of drip irrigation systems in walnut orchards is preferred by more and more producers due to its advantages and ease of use.

The spring months, which are the period of development, growth and filling of fruits, are very critical in meeting the water needs of walnuts.
Irrigation in Walnut Starts in Spring
The water requirement of walnut varies depending on factors such as the age of the plant, soil structure and climatic conditions. However, the fact that the leaf surfaces of walnut trees, which have a large structure and widespread branching, are also quite large increases water loss due to transpiration. This increases the importance of irrigation in walnut trees several times more.

Advantages of Driptime Drip Irrigation in Walnut
In a walnut orchard at full yield, rainfall varies between 1200-1350 mm depending on the rainfall of the season. The irrigation period starts in spring and lasts until the end of harvest. While the irrigation method can vary between furrow irrigation, sprinkler irrigation and drip irrigation, the drip irrigation system offers the best solution for walnut yield.

The Driptime Drip Irrigation system, which delivers the water needed by the plant directly to the root zone, allows irrigation at the right time and in the required amount. One of the biggest advantages is that it allows uniform irrigation with minimum loss. Another is the opportunity to fertilize walnuts in addition to irrigation.